Walking with Dinosaurs: Prehistoric Planet is an exciting adventure that transports audiences back to Cretaceous Alaska. The main characters in the story are a herd of large, frilled, plant-eating dinosaurs -- Pachyrhinosaurus. The film follows their youngsters, and from the moment they hatch, they face predators, weather extremes and natural disaster as they fight for survival through the seasons and the challenges of growing up and establishing themselves in this prehistoric world. From the moment they hatch, they face predators, extremes of weather and natural disaster as they fight for survival. It's an epic yet intimate story, and audiences of all ages will empathize with them and their struggles, just as they do with animals in contemporary wildlife documentaries. Huge bone beds, found in Alaska and Alberta, reveal the pachyrhinosaurs roamed in vast herds. They very likely undertook epic migrations and had complex social lives, just as animals in large herds do today. Following them on their migrations, we encounter all the other species they meet and interact with, including the fierce Nanuqsaurus, the top predator of the day.